Wingham Public School Class of 7&8 1955-6
School 1945-1955 vs 2014. Author Unknown

 SCHOOL-1945 -1955 vs. 20 

Scenario :Johnny and Mark get into a fight after school.

1945 - Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up best friends.

 2012 - Police called, and they arrest Johnny and Mark. Charge them with assault, both expelled even though Johnny started it. Both children go to anger management programmes for 3 months. School governors hold meeting to implement bullying prevention programmes.

Scenario :

Robbie won't be still in class, disrupts other students.

1945 - Robbie sent to the office and given six of the best by the Principal. Returns to class, sits still and does not disrupt class again.

2012 - Robbie given huge doses of Ritalin. Becomes a zombie. Tested for ADHD - result deemed to be positive. Robbie's parents get fbi-monthly disability payments and school gets extra funding from government because Robbie has a disability.

Scenario :

Billy breaks a window in his neighbour's car and his Dad gives him a whipping with his belt.

1945 - Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college, and becomes a successful businessman.

2012 - Billy's dad is arrested for child abuse. Billy removed to foster care; joins a gang; ends up in jail.

Scenario :

Mark gets a headache and takes some aspirin to school.

 1945 - Mark gets glass of water from Principal to take aspirin with. Passes exams, becomes a solicitor.

2012- Police called, parents' car searched for drugs and weapons. Mark expelled from school for drug taking. Ends up as a drop out.

Scenario :

Johnny takes apart leftover fireworks from 24th of May, puts them in a paint tin & blows up a wasp's nest.1945 - Wasps die.

2012- Police & Anti-Terrorism Squad called. Johnny charged with domestic terrorism, investigate parents, siblings removed from home, computers confiscated. Johnny's Dad goes on a terror watch list and is never allowed to fly in an airplane again.

Scenario :

Johnny falls over while running during morning break and scrapes his knee. He is found crying by his teacher, Mary. She hugs him to comfort him.

1945 - In a short time, Johnny feels better and goes on playing football. No damage done.

2012 - Mary is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job. She faces 3 years in prison. Johnny undergoes 5 years of therapy and ends up gay.How stupid we have become!





















First Wingham Christmas 1952
Having arrived in Canada in August from Holland and staying with my uncle
near Belgrave temporarily, and moving to a house near the cemetery, it
was time to settle into our adopted country.  My father, a house painter in Holland, landed his first job, dipping toilet seats into paint, in the "toilet factory?", located in Wingham then. I often wonder what he thought of that situation! Thankfully, he soon found a better job painting for Elmer Wilkinson. The house we lived in cost $12.50 a month.  It had no electricity, water from a hand pump behind the house, and featured  a cellar with an earth floor which flooded in the spring.  Heat came from the kitchen range, and a parlour stove in the living room in the evening.  Light was supplied by oil lamps.  Every one slept two to a bed, and that was probably a good thing in the dead of winter.  The big crate, or "kist" used to transport some of our belongings, was taken apart and recycled into a bench and shelving. My parents, like a lot of first year immigrants, must have wondered what they had gotten themselves into! But we were fortunate, in that the people of Wingham helped us out immensely that fall.  The Presbyterian Church in particular, and other unknown good Samaritans showered us with all sorts of food and other useful stuff.  It was overwhelming!  Some of the items were unknown to us.  Pepper squash were mistaken for melons and soaked in sugar. And Mom did manage the make pumpkin pie!  And pickles­­­ I don’t think Bob McIntyre will remember when I was invited to his house for supper, but the sweet pickle that I bravely forced down was one of the new "experiences"!  When asked if there was anything that we really needed. Dad asked if there was a pump organ for him.  He was an organist, who volunteered for 73 years of his life as organist in various churches. That and the warm winter coat for my mom were soon supplied.  When at one time we were going to be given a complete turkey dinner, my dad said that they should give it to some more needy family. That first Christmas in Canada, I was given the tree that was in my grade 5 classroom. We dragged it home, and decorated it with home made garlands and other things.  Some of the decorations were items made in kindergarten in Holland that we had taken with us to Canada.  At a program in the Presbyterian church, we were asked to sing Silent Night in dutch.  We did, but having forgotten the second verse, we just repeated the first stanza. So much for home life­,my next article will recall life in Wingham town as young boys.
The generosity of Wingham that first year will never be forgotten!

Dick Roorda

Shynkar Famous Moments

I wonder how many of you remember Mr. Shynkar class?  Dick”s story reminded me of that era.  Paul reckons he was about 27 at the time and was probably the best, progressive teacher we ever had.  We produced a play one week which we aired to Grade 7  (Sylvia.s class)  it was a riot.   The production was Charlie’s Aunt and I played one of the key parts.  The other kids all came in immaculate top hat and tails.  We didn’t have top hats in our house so I came in an old straw boater and carried a bamboo stick.  Looked a bit like the Marx bros.  We were a great hit and brought the house down.

 The culmination of Shynkar’s class was a picnic.  We all went out to the picnic area which was just out of town and had a very pleasant time.  For the journey back we all decided to pile into Shynkar’s ancient Ford with about 20 or more kids crammed into this old banger.  Great trip back if slightly squashed and probably totally illegal today.  He became memorable after that and gained a huge respect from the kids.

Brian Rider


Brian Rider
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