Wingham Public School Class of 7&8 1955-6
School 1945-1955 vs 2014. Author Unknown

 SCHOOL-1945 -1955 vs. 20 

Scenario :Johnny and Mark get into a fight after school.

1945 - Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up best friends.

 2012 - Police called, and they arrest Johnny and Mark. Charge them with assault, both expelled even though Johnny started it. Both children go to anger management programmes for 3 months. School governors hold meeting to implement bullying prevention programmes.

Scenario :

Robbie won't be still in class, disrupts other students.

1945 - Robbie sent to the office and given six of the best by the Principal. Returns to class, sits still and does not disrupt class again.

2012 - Robbie given huge doses of Ritalin. Becomes a zombie. Tested for ADHD - result deemed to be positive. Robbie's parents get fbi-monthly disability payments and school gets extra funding from government because Robbie has a disability.

Scenario :

Billy breaks a window in his neighbour's car and his Dad gives him a whipping with his belt.

1945 - Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college, and becomes a successful businessman.

2012 - Billy's dad is arrested for child abuse. Billy removed to foster care; joins a gang; ends up in jail.

Scenario :

Mark gets a headache and takes some aspirin to school.

 1945 - Mark gets glass of water from Principal to take aspirin with. Passes exams, becomes a solicitor.

2012- Police called, parents' car searched for drugs and weapons. Mark expelled from school for drug taking. Ends up as a drop out.

Scenario :

Johnny takes apart leftover fireworks from 24th of May, puts them in a paint tin & blows up a wasp's nest.1945 - Wasps die.

2012- Police & Anti-Terrorism Squad called. Johnny charged with domestic terrorism, investigate parents, siblings removed from home, computers confiscated. Johnny's Dad goes on a terror watch list and is never allowed to fly in an airplane again.

Scenario :

Johnny falls over while running during morning break and scrapes his knee. He is found crying by his teacher, Mary. She hugs him to comfort him.

1945 - In a short time, Johnny feels better and goes on playing football. No damage done.

2012 - Mary is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job. She faces 3 years in prison. Johnny undergoes 5 years of therapy and ends up gay.How stupid we have become!






















Was just reading story from Brian. The stars that died so young in their careers. Elvis was my favorite. I remember Mrs. Hap. Swatridge(Audrey) who had a small store in where Ted Moran is today. She catered to small children, I think right up to teenagers.We got her to order Elvis Presley hats so we could wear them skating at the arena in the winter. lol

Shirley(Armstrong)Zimmer , Marion (Farrier)MacIntyre and I grew up on the same street in Wingham.I lived with my Grandparents at Lewis Flowers.(It is still called Lewis Flowers today).Shirley and I always ran the three legged race together when Field Day was held at the school which has now been closed forever as we have a new super school  in Wingham located just  a couple of blocks east of the old one. Marion and I became friends when we were older.  Marion got her drivers licence when she was sixteen and her Mom bought her a little Mini Minor convertible. She would take me for a drive out to the Golf course and we would always have to push the stupid thing back to Wingham. For some reason once it was shut off it would never start. lol

Oh my , when I think of some of theings we did............... Hitchhiking to Teeswater to go swimming in the pool.(Wingham didn't have one then). Swimming at the first bush (all houses now),skating at the arena with no helmuts either.  We had a ball and then some...Those were the good old days for sure.I still keep in toooouch with Marion and I see Shirley  once in a while. I can't wait until summer for this reunion. It should be loads of fun.     Sharon (Lewis) Cameron

Sharon Lewis
Memory Search--Bits and Pieces

Bob kicked me in the butt and told me to send in another note. Will write on thoughts emanating in particular from the classroom situation as that was the thrust of my first note. For some reason the ugly grey Geography textbooks sticks in my mind. Maybe it is because these provided an interesting alternative when maybe one should not have been having a peak. But there was so much information--maybe this was the initial spark that peaked travel interest in those who have revealed considerable travel in their lives. The weekly arithmetic and spelling tests were of interest only because of the mark that I was able to get, the motivation being to try to get a perfect mark. It seldom happened. And, remember those useless handwriting exercises--I say useless based on my handwriting. Maybe all the rest of you have a beautiful hand. What I absolutely hated, was the memory work.  Ink cartridges were replacing the ink bottle and desk well useage, as were ball point pens, a point I mentioned in my first note. And those massive 3 ring binders (all subjects in one) became the backpacks of the day. Also, I still have the leather pencil case from this time. The zipper still works and it is full of ball point pens and pencils. I remember Mr. Beattie speaking sharply to Bob M: "Bob, quit pretending you don't hear." This of course had everybodies attention, eyes would shift to observe Bob, head lolling around in an "uh" "uh" "who me" manner. As I recall, Jerry Foxton sat at the back, possibly, but I don't think so, in the same row that Bob sat in. Why wouldn't Jerry be at the back considering how big he was. Mr. Campbell, the high school football coach had his top lineman when Jerry arrived. How I would like to have a seating plan of our class. Repitition, I know, but it would help clear up the fuzz which is all I have at present of who sat where. Maybe it's not important, but when I shut my eyes and try to remember I recall Brian R. and Paul B. in the back corner, Bob A. in the far row, right across from me, Marion Farrier, I think sat a couple of seats behind me, Jim Angus was just about on a line from me to where Bob M. sat, and Elizabeth Burrell  I believe, sat a couple of rows over and 2-3 seats back from where I was perched by the wall and crackling rad, as mentioned in my first note. To finish this note, let me say that the administrator's note about stealing kisses in the cloak room, certainly didn't apply to me. I was so shy that I was afraid of my shadow. So Bob, I will leave it to classemates to decide who among the Romeo's in the class were the thieves. Hope to hear information from many more from the our class. 


Lyman Jardin

Editors Note:

it will be interesting to see how sharp some those memories are in recalling the floor plan. I loved the memory work and the poetry work, in fact I am trying to find the book we used, hopefully it is coming in mail next week.Maybe we can devise a way to make floor plan and see if we can fill-in the blanks, we could just do Grade 8. Can someone submit a floor plan and we can go from there?

Bob McIntyre


Lyman Jardin
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