I am please to announce that a condensed version of the WINGHAM REUNION SITE but in PAPERBACK BOOK FORMAT. Is now available to purchase on the Amazon Canada site. We have already published the full text and images in ebook format but this is the first time we have offered this important collection in a greatly focused format and in monochrome Paperback for the keenest possible price. To keep the book as compact as possible we have only shown a selection of the various stories and peripheral images but we have included a large number of the reunion photographs and images. Total length of the books is 234 pages which still contains quite a lot of information.
The price of the book in US $ is $6 If you have an Amazon Prime account this also includes postage. The book will be posted direct by Amazon to your home address and must be a wonderful keepsake or even a gift for someone. The US and UK listings are live and the Canadian site listing should be available soon.
The link to the Canadian site is:-
Brian Rider