Wingham Public School Class of 7&8 1955-6
Walton McKibbon
Born; 1942
Died at his home Friday March 6 1998
Father: John McKibbon (Pharmacist)
Mother: Doris (Trail)
Siblings: Judith and Anne
Wife: Catherine (Tolton)
Three Children Kate, Chris, Heather and their mother Elizabeth
Walt was married twice, he had three children by his first marriage.
He graduated from Ryerson in Radio and Television Arts. His first job was in Peterborough selling advertising for local radio and tv station. His wife to be was a nurse in the intensive care of Peterborough Hospital They later moved to London where Walt owned a Host Rent A Car business in London for Six years, during these years his children were born.He was a restless and ambitious person not to mention charming. His next and final career was in Insurance with Reed Stenhouse in London. He sold insurance to industrial accounts all over the region for fifteen years. Reed Stenhouse was taken over by a large American firm-Aon. Walt didn't fit in and became more depressed. He may have been fired on the last day of his life??
Submitted by Bob McIntyre December 8 2013
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